Visibility is Key

Do you lay t-shirts and jumpers on top of each other so when you are looking for things in a rush they get flung all over the place?  If this sounds familiar you need to learn the simple art of vertical storage! 

This is a game changer! Imagine a world where you can see ALL your items when you open a drawer…no more rifling through, think of it instead of your clothing being ‘filed’, even better if items can be filed by category (t-shirts, jumpers) and also by colour! Light colours to dark colours is very visually appealing and by storing clothes vertically you will easily be able to see where that pink t-shirt is straight away without first discarding the items on the top of the pile.

The same principle can be used in all rooms, if you have a cupboard or drawer that is jam packed with stuff you will only see what is immediately in front of you and even then may miss the thing you are looking for as your brain is distracted by the amounts of items it is trying to process. |f, instead, this is organised in a way where items can be seen then items will be easier to find.

Storing vertically, where possible will give you more visibility of your items. Store taller items at the back and work your way down to smaller items at the front.

Whilst there are great products out there to help with storage (and at The Organising Shop we stock them!) you also don’t need products. Simply put, you just need to see what you have and storing vertically will do this for you.

So, after reading this, have a look at what is in your drawers and cupboards and how things are stored. Do you have visibility? Can you see things at the bottom/back? Is there too much stuff in there? Use the tips above and you will soon be able to see all your items and can think about discarding any you don’t need.

If you find this overwhelming or don’t know how to best organise your space, contact us for a free consultation or pop in store for a chat and lets get you orJANised!


Spring/summer organising - here are our top tips for you!